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Some popular nectar of famous people ....

Today, I am sharing some of famous peoples quotes...... ✌✌✌

# Creation is the identity of God. -Munesi Md. Abdul Alim. 

# Borness is easy, but being a father is a big one.- Prabodkumar Sanyal. 

# The biggest victory in life is the love and respect of man. -Nahid Noman 

# The impartial judges can justify justice. -Sharath Chandra Chattopadhyay
Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
# Those who want to conquer and win without rationality, they are brutal. -Abdul Fozal. 

# Major fundamental tranquility of turmoil in the world. -Munir Chowdhury. 

## Who is the leader? Vivek is your leader.Your duties are your leader. -Kazi Nazrul Islam.
Kazi Nazrul Islam.
# Sleep in the morning, wake up early in the morning, make the person healthy, wealthy and wise. - Franklin. 

# A good person can not easily find fault with others. -Speaking 

# It is better to verify your faults than verifying another's blame. -Democritus 

# Every person is responsible for his actions.-Munesi Md. Abdul Alim. 

# Those who are happy, they get the sound of their breaks and they can be repaired. -Sexpier.
#All kinds of troubles are sleep and pleasure. -Christana Rosso. 

All in all we need to look at past, present and future. - PASCAL 

# That's what we do for the welfare of others - Abul Fazal. 

# Everyone knows he needs good advice. But he does not mean it. 

# Leave both words after love. -Munesi Md. Abdul Alim. 

# The gentleman is the same, the one who is the worshiper of the truth. Shaikh Saadi (ra). 

If your own stupidity is expressed in words, then it is wise to remain silent. - Charles Kingsley 

As beauty enhances excellence in the body, the beauty of the body increases the beauty of the mind. - Emerson. 

# Unconscious people are crippled, dreamless people. Athletic - Mohammed Barkatullah.

# Confined to the goal is the secret to success. 

# If you have a pen and stomach, it can not be written. That's why talent and brain need to stay. -Guente consume 

## It's fun, it's life. The proof of survival. -Satyajit Ray. 

# The wealth of misery comes up from the ground floor, and the miser, itself goes into the ground floor. - Sheikh Sadi (R). 

# The days of the disabled or the unemployed people are not relieved or happy.- Arthur Eugene. 

# Your work will glorify you.-Lewis Morris. 

# Conversation with a smart person is better than reading a lot of books. 

# The arrival of religion for the welfare of people. -Munesi Md. Abdul Alim. 

# All the flowers have honey, there is no doubt, but the bees want to bring out the honey.-Arthur Peterman. 

#When we limit our limitations, we call it fate. - Emerson.

# The tricky trick can avoid that leaves know how to make it.Publius Cyrus. 

##White where strong, lust weaknesses there. - Plato. 

## Happy are those who can hear condemnation and correct themselves.-Shakespeare 

## To condemn, it can be done from the outside, but to be judged, to enter. -Rabindranath Tagore.
Rabindranath Tagore
#You do not need to know who you are, I need to know what you are doing. -Munesi Md. Abdul Alim. 

# A good girl means heaven on earth.-Romam Rolla. 

# Willingness to the working people is peaceful.-George Hobert 

There is no greater sin than ignorance. - Sahan bin Abdullah. 

# Not to be conveyed that can not be fulfilled.Del Carnegie 

# A fool and an ignorant person has no right to be righteous, he can not be righteous.-Dr. Lutfar Rahman. 

# Today will be condemned today.-Munshi Md. Abdul Alim. 

# The biggest cleverness to be able to conceal the tricks.-La Roche Folkdad 

# Flower life is short, but how majestic! -Larance Hope. 

# Politics is the biggest corruption in religion.- Abul Fazal.

# Hate hate is smoked in the heart. Then shimmering and shivering once again. -Kernell 

# Character formation continues from childhood until death. - Roosevelt. 

# Life is a close friend of death. - Coleridge. 

# Unity during times of need, freedom for the sake of times and good for all times. - Richard Bucketer. 

# The bribe will be forbidden, it will not work. The bribe has now been transformed into a bank, as the interest has been converted into profits. - Aminul Islam 

# Our character is the result of our conduct.Evergreen.
#Chief Judge of Conscience man The person who does not know how to answer his conscience, he never encounters a judge.-Munesi Md. Abdul Alim. 

Thanks everyone ..... ☺☺☺ 👍

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